I just wanted to tell you the difference in Xxxx is massive and give you an update. This week has been full of challenges for him, but Xxxx coped wonderfully. I am bursting with pride to see our happy, confident boy showing glimmers of himself returning. Most importantly he can see it himself. I know there are going to be more challenges but I am so thankful that we tried hypnosis. It has changed the course of our life forever and for the better.
7-year-old schoolboy
Last Saturday I played my biggest solo so far. It was very exposed but I was steady and confident. I wasn’t worried beforehand and knew it was going to be ok. So, again, thank you so much for making this possible
Musician overcame anxiety
I just wanted to say a huge thankyou for all that you have done for Xxxx – and still do simply by being there. He’s doing really well and has come so far. He still has his wobbles but he’s much more confident in dealing with them with the “tool box” of techniques you gave him. He’s in a good place relatively speaking. Many many thanks.
“He now has his own toolbox”
Hi Kerry, I just wanted to touch base with you to let you know how well Xxxx got on in all of her exams. Her eyelashes have almost grown back and she is feeling far less anxious. We all thoroughly appreciate what you have done for her, and whilst Id like to say we won’t need to see you again, ( in the nicest possible way! ) as the exam season fast approached I want to keep in touch just in case! Thank you again for all the support the whole of this year. It has really helped me to cope as well as I have with the various issues.
Feeling supported
I understand from Xxxx that she has ‘finished’ her work with you now. Of course I understand that if she feels she needs some more support we can get back in touch with you. I wanted to say thank you for the help you have given her. Along with the speech and language therapy Xxxx has made great progress in the last few months. xxxx does seem more confident and relaxed and I think she has developed ways of managing anxiety. Thank you for your help. Xxxx really enjoyed her session with you yesterday – she came back feeling more positive and calm than normal, thank you so much.
Teenager growing in confidence
“I just thought I ought to update you on how I have been since my last session with you last year. The hypnotherapy that you provided me was great for my next medical procedure as I was much more relaxed and didnt get myself worked up. I can now eat normally again but the only issue now is that I have gained too much weight! I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your help last year and I wouldnt hesitate to recommend your services to my friends and family if they ever needed hypnotherapy.
I’d recommend your services
Just wanted to let you know he’s doing well and has had a good few days. Passed his driving test on Friday and A level results today. A in psychology and A* in maths so he’s off to study at Bath in September! Thanks for all your support getting him here. Thank you again for your time and wisdom yesterday
Another success story
The procedure on Wednesday afternoon seems to have gone well. It was over quite quickly and soreness is quite limited and reducing. So thank you very much for your help with the approach to that.